

  • 山田 圭祐, 田中 創, 片岡 秀文, 中谷 辰爾, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 微速空気流中におけるエマルション液滴列の燃拡がり, 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 79巻, 802号, 1176-1184 (2013)
  • K. Ishii, K. Morita, Y. Okitsu, S. Sayama, H. Kataoka, Cellular Pattern Formation in Detonation Propagation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34, Issue 2, 1903-1911 (2013)
  • S. Nakaya, K. Fujishima, M. Tsue, M. Kono, D. Segawa, Effects of Droplet Diameter on Instantaneous Burning Rate of Isolated Fuel Droplets in Argon-rich or Carbon Dioxide-rich Ambiences under Microgravity, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34, Issue 1, 1601-1608 (2013)
  • 石井 一洋, 森田 孝治, 沖津 裕太, 片岡 秀文, デトネーション伝播時のセル模様に関する研究, 日本燃焼学会誌, 54巻, 167号, 33-40 (2012)
  • S. Nakaya, K. Hadori, M. Tsue, M. Kono, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Numerical Analysis on Flame Kernel in Spark Ignition Methane/Air Mixtures, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 27, No. 2, 363-370 (2011)
  • S. Nakaya, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Y. Nagashima, T. Furuta, Combustion Behaviors of Isolated n-Decane and Ethanol Droplets in Carbon Dioxide-rich Ambience under Microgravity, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 33, Issue 2, 2031-2038 (2011)
  • 中谷 辰爾,津江 光洋,河野 通方,瀬川 大資,角田 敏一, メタン/空気混合気の火花点火過程の初期火炎核形成に及ぼす電極間隙や熱損失の影響に関する数値解析, 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 77巻, 773号, 177-185 (2011)
  • S. Nakaya, Y. Nagashima, K. Takase, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Unsteady Combustion of Isolated Fuel Droplet in Microgravity, Transactions of JSASS, Space Technology Japan, 8, ists27, 1-7 (2010)
  • 片岡 秀文, 石井 一洋, 可燃性超音速流中でのデトネーションの伝播, 日本燃焼学会誌, 51巻, 155号, 71-79 (2009)
  • K. Ishii, H. Kataoka, T. Kojima, Initiation and Propagation of Detonation Waves in Combustible High Speed Flows, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32, Issue 2, 2323-2330 (2009)
  • 加地 俊雅, 中谷 辰爾, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 津江 光洋(T. Kaji, S. Nakaya, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Tsue), 燃料液滴の自発着火に及ぼす変動放射加熱の影響に関する数値解析(Numerical Analysis on Effect of Variable Radiative Heating on Ignition of Single Fuel Droplet), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 75巻, 759号, 2308-2314 (2009). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 75-759 (2009), 2308-2314. (in Japanese))
  • S. Nakaya, M. Tsue, O. Imamura, S. Nishida, K. Yamashita, D. Segawa, M. Kono , Effects of Fuel Vapor in Ambience on Spontaneous Ignition of Isolated Fuel Droplet, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 181, 1464-1479 (2009).
  • D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, G. Agata, D. Hara, H. Sugihara, Effects of Droplet Spacing on Evaporation of a Cluster of 13 Fuel Droplets(13燃料液滴群の蒸発に及ぼす液滴間隔の影響), Transactions of JSASS, Space Technology Japan, Vol. 7, No. ists26, Ph_1-6 (2009).(日本航空宇宙学会論文集宇宙技術, 日本航空宇宙学会)
  • 中谷 辰爾, 白石 裕司, 角田 敏一, 瀬川 大資(S. Nakaya, Y. Shiraishi, T. Kadota, D. Segawa), 高湿度気流中における液滴火炎内のすす生成特性(Soot Formation in Combusiton of Single Fuel Droplets in Humid Air Flow), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 75巻, 750号, 341-346 (2009). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 75-750 (2009), 341-346. (in Japanese))
  • D. Segawa, T. Kadota, S. Nakaya, K. Takemura, T. Sasaki, A Liquid Film or Droplet of Miscible Binary Fuel Burning on A Heated Surface at Elevated Pressures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32, 2187-2194 (2009).(国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • 中谷 辰爾, 羽鳥 和夫, 津江 光洋, 河野 通方, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(S. Nakaya, K. Hatori, M. Tsue, M. Kono, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), メタン/空気混合気の火花点火過程における初期火炎核形成過程に関する数値計算(A Numerical Study on Early Stage of Flame Kernel Development in Spark Ignition Process for Methane/Air Combustible Mixtures), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 73巻, 732号, 1745-1752 (2007). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 73-732 (2007), 1745-1752. (in Japanese))
  • T. Kadota, H. Tanaka, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Yamasaki, Micro-Explosion during Leidenfrost Burning of an Emulsion Droplet(乳化液滴ライデンフロスト燃焼時におけるミクロ爆発), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 31, 2125-2131 (2007). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • D. Segawa, M. Yoshida, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Autoignition and Early Flame Behavior of a Spherical Cluster of 49 Monodispersed Droplets(球状単分散49液滴群の自発着火と初期火炎挙動), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 31, 2149-2156 (2007). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • H. Tanaka, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Yamasaki, Effect of Ambient Pressure on Micro-Explosion of an Emulsion Droplet Evaporating on a Hot Surface(高温壁面上で蒸発する乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発に及ぼす雰囲気圧力の影響), JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1345-1350 (2006). (日本機械学会欧文論文集, B編, 日本機械学会)
  • 角田 敏一, 竹村 和真, 田中 創, 徳村 博行, 瀬川 大資, 中谷 辰爾(T. Kadota, K. Takemura, H. Tanaka, H. Tokumura, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya), 高圧雰囲気中における溶解性二成分燃料液滴の壁面蒸発(Evaporation of a Binary Component Miscible Fuel Droplet on a Hot Surface in High Pressure Gaseous Environment), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 72巻, 717号, 1365-1370 (2006). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 72-717 (2006), 1365-1370. (in Japanese))
  • 中谷 辰爾, 羽鳥 和夫, 津江 光洋, 河野 通方, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(S. Nakaya, K. Hatori, M. Tsue, M. Kono, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), 水素/空気あるいはメタン/空気混合気の火花点火過程における最小点火エネルギーに及ぼす当量比の影響に関する数値計算(A Numerical Study on the Effect of the Equivalence Ratio of Hydrogen/Air or Methane/Air Mixtures on Minimum Ignition Energy in Spark Ignition Process), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 72巻, 715号, 818-824 (2006). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 72-715 (2006), 818-824. (in Japanese))
  • 田中 創, 角田 敏一, 瀬川 大資, 中谷 辰爾, 山崎 博司(H. Tanaka, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Yamasaki), 高温壁面上で蒸発する乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発に及ぼす雰囲気圧力の影響(Effect of Ambient Pressure on Micro-Explosion of an Emulsion Droplet Evaporating on a Hot Surface), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 72巻, 713号, 138-143 (2006). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 72-713 (2006), 138-143. (in Japanese))
  • D. Segawa, T. Kajikawa, T. Kadota, Transcritical Phenomena of Autoignited Fuel Droplet at High Pressures under Microgravity(微小重力環境下における高圧雰囲気で自発着火した燃料液滴の遷臨界現象), Microgravity Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 3, 15-22 (2005). (微小重力の科学と技術, Z-Tec出版, ドイツ)
  • D. Segawa, M. Yoshida, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Effects of Spacing and Arrangement of Droplet on Combustion Characteristics of Monodispersed Suspended-Droplet Cluster Model under Microgravity(微小重力環境下における単分散懸垂液滴群の燃焼特性に及ぼす液滴間隙および配置の効果), Microgravity Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 3, 23-30 (2005). (微小重力の科学と技術, Z-Tec出版, ドイツ)
  • 田中 創, 山崎 博司, 寺地 誠喜, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(H. Tanaka, H. Yamasaki, S. Teraji, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), 高温壁面上における乳化燃料液滴燃焼時のミクロ爆発発生に及ぼす燃料性状, 含水率および壁面温度の影響(Effects of Fuel Properties, Water Contents and Surface Temperatures on Micro-Explosion of Emulsion Droplets Burning on a Hot Surface), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 71巻, 702号, 690-695 (2005). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 71-702 (2005), 690-695. (in Japanese))
  • 吉田 真樹, 磯村 潤, 瀬川 大資, 中谷 辰爾, 角田 敏一(M. Yoshida, J. Isomura, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota), 単分散懸垂液滴群モデルの微小重力燃焼実験(Microgravity Combustion Experiment of Monodispersed Suspended-Droplet Cluster Model), 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 22巻, 1号, 35-41 (2005). (Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application: 22-1 (2005), 35-41. (in Japanese))
  • 角田 敏一, 鈴木 敦, 瀬川 大資(T. Kadota, A. Suzuki, D. Segawa), LIF・LLS法による燃料液滴火炎内のOHおよびすす濃度分布測定(Measurement of OH and Soot Concentration Distributions in a Droplet Flame by Using LIF and LLS Technique), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 70巻, 700号, 3218-3223 (2004). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 70-700 (2004), 3218-3223. (in Japanese))
  • 角田 敏一, 徳村 博行, 瀬川 大資, 山崎 博司(T. Kadota, H. Tokumura, D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki), 加熱壁面上における溶解性二成分燃料液滴の蒸発に及ぼす燃料性状の影響(Effects of Fuel Properties on the Evaporation of a Binary Miscible Fuel Droplet on a Heated Wall), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 70巻, 697号, 2449-2454 (2004). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 70-697 (2004), 2449-2454. (in Japanese))
  • H. Yamasaki, H. Tanaka, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, Unified Formula for the Rate of Micro-explosion of Emulsion Based on Microgravity Experiment(微小重力実験に基づいた乳化燃料の微小爆発発生率に対する統一式), Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 775-780 (2004). (第24回宇宙の技術と科学国際会議論文集, 宮崎)
  • 田中 創, 寺地 誠喜, 山崎 博司, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(H. Tanaka, S. Teraji, H. Yamasaki, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), 高温壁面上での乳化燃料液滴蒸発・燃焼時におけるミクロ爆発発生の統計的検討(Statistical Analysis of Micro-Explosion of an Emulsion Droplet Evaporating and Burning on a Hot Surface), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 70巻, 694号, 1577-1582 (2004). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 70-694 (2004), 1577-1582. (in Japanese))
  • 榎本 啓士, 橘 裕司, 坂田 直美, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(H. Enomoto, H. Tachibana, N. Sakata, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), 伝播火炎による液体燃料粒子群の着火に及ぼす粒子直径および配位数の影響(Effects of Particle Diameter and Number of Coordinates on Ignition of Liquid Fuel Particles Array by Propagating Laminar Flame), 日本エネルギー学会誌, 81巻, 8号, 720-727 (2002). (Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy: 81-8 (2002), 720-727. (in Japanese))
  • 榎本 啓士, 長田 仁, 紺屋 智之, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(H. Enomoto, H. Nagata, T. Konya, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), 液体燃料粒子群の自発着火に及ぼす粒子間隔の影響(Effects of Droplet Distance of Liquid Fuel Droplets on Autoignition), 日本エネルギー学会誌, 81巻, 2号, 112-122 (2002). (Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy: 81-2 (2002), 112-122. (in Japanese))
  • H. Enomoto, H. Nagata, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Flame Shapes of Fuel Droplet Cloud in High Temperature Gaseous Environment under Micro-gravity(微小重力下高温雰囲気中での燃料液滴雲の火炎形状), JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol. 45, No. 1, 102-107 (2002). (日本機械学会欧文論文集, B編, 日本機械学会)
  • T. Kadota, Y. Ohta, H. Enomoto, D. Segawa, Evaporation of the Array of Hydrocarbon Droplets in an Air Stream(空気流中における炭化水素液滴列の蒸発), International Journal of Heat and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, 69-74 (2001). (熱技術国際専門誌, ETS出版, イタリア)
  • D. Segawa, T. Kadota, A. Nakainkyo, S. Hirota, H. Enomoto, Effects of Ambient Pressure on Autoignition of a Fuel Droplet in Supercritical and Microgravity Environment(微小重力超臨界環境における燃料液滴の自発着火に及ぼす雰囲気圧力の影響), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28, 1063-1069 (2000). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, H. Enomoto, Effects of Reduced Gravity on Methanol Droplet Combustion at High Pressures(メタノール高圧液滴燃焼に及ぼす小重力の影響), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28, 1071-1077 (2000). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • D. Segawa, T. Kadota, R. Kohama, H. Enomoto, Ignition of Binary Mixture Droplets by a Propagating Laminar Flame(層流伝ぱ火炎による二成分燃料液滴の着火), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28, 961-968 (2000). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, H. Tanaka, H. Enomoto, M. Tsue, Water-Coalescence in an Oil-in-Water Emulsion Droplet Burning under Microgravity(微小重力下で燃焼する水中油滴型乳化燃料液滴における水分合体), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28, 985-990 (2000). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • K. Suzuki, T. Fujii, K. Matsumoto, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, T. Sakuraya, Soot Concentration Profile in the Flame around a Binary Fuel Droplet under Microgravity(微小重力下における二成分燃料液滴の火炎内すす濃度分布), Space Forum, Vol. 6, 291-297 (2000). (宇宙利用国際専門誌, ゴードン・ブリーチ出版, 米国)
  • A. Nakainkyo, K. Satoh, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, T. Kawanishi, Combustion of a Fuel Droplet in Supercritical Gaseous Environment under Microgravity(微小重力下における超臨界雰囲気内燃料液滴燃焼), Space Forum, Vol. 6, 323-328 (2000). (宇宙利用国際専門誌, ゴードン・ブリーチ出版, 米国)
  • 角田 敏一, 小浜 良太, 瀬川 大資(T. Kadota, R. Kohama, D. Segawa), 層流伝ぱ火炎による二成分燃料液滴の着火(Ignition of a Binary Fuel Droplet by a Propagating Laminar Flame), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 66巻, 647号, 1879-1884 (2000). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 66-647 (2000), 1879-1884. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 山崎 博司, 角田 敏一, 河津 敏弘, 津江 光洋(D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, T. Kawatsu, M. Tsue), ディーゼル噴霧火炎内すす濃度の経時変化に及ぼす諸因子の影響(Effects of Operating Parameters on the Time Resolved Soot Concentration in Diesel Spray Flame), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 66巻, 646号, 1550-1556 (2000). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 66-646 (2000), 1550-1556. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 田中 秀充, 山崎 博司, 法師人 克仁, 角田 敏一(D. Segawa, H. Tanaka, H. Yamasaki, K. Houshito, T. Kadota), 微小重力下乳化燃料液滴燃焼時における液相の挙動(Liquid Phase Behavior in an Emulsified Fuel Droplet Burning under Microgravity), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 66巻, 645号, 1524-1529 (2000). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 66-645 (2000), 1524-1529. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 大野 雅史, 溝渕 剛史, 片岡 克己, 深野 行義(D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Ohno, T. Mizobuchi, K. Kataoka, Y. Fukano), 混合気流動を利用した火花点火式天然ガス希薄燃焼機関の燃焼改善に関する基礎的研究(Fundamental Study on Combustion Improvement by Mixture-Flow in Natural Gas-Fueled Lean-Burn SI Engines), 日本舶用機関学会誌, 35巻, 4号, 254-260 (2000). (Journal of the Marine Engineering Society in Japan: 35-4 (2000), 254-260. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 前田 聡, 坂田 直美, 片岡 克己(D. Segawa, T. Kadota, S. Maeda, N. Sakata, K. Kataoka), 微小重力環境および球形燃焼容器法を利用した天然ガス希薄混合気の燃焼速度測定(Measurement of Burning Velocity of Natural-gas Lean Mixture with Spherical Bomb Method under Microgravity), 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 17巻, 1号, 2-7 (2000). (Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application: 17-1 (2000), 2-7. (in Japanese))
  • K. Matsumoto, T. Fujii, K. Suzuki, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Laser Induced Fluorescence for the Non-Intrusive Diagnostics of a Fuel Droplet Burning under Microgravity in a Drop Shaft(落下施設の微小重力下で燃焼する燃料液滴の非接触診断のためのレーザ誘起蛍光法), Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 10, 853-858 (1999). (計測の科学と技術, IOP出版, 英国)
  • 瀬川 大資, 津江 光洋, 角田 敏一, 山崎 博司, 河野 通方(D. Segawa, M. Tsue, T. Kadota, H. Yamasaki, M. Kono), 微小重力環境を利用した乳化燃料液滴火炎内すす濃度場の可視化(Visualization of Sooting Field in an Emulsion Droplet Flame by using Microgravity Environment), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 65巻, 635号, 2506-2512 (1999). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 65-635 (1999), 2506-2512. (in Japanese))
  • C. Chauveau, B. Vieille, I. Gokalp, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, A. Nakainkyo, Effects of Gravitational Acceleration on High Pressure Combustion of Methanol Droplets(メタノール液滴の高圧燃焼に及ぼす重力加速度の影響), Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, Vol. 96, No. 6, 1031-1037 (1999). (物理化学と生物物理学誌, EDPサイエンス, フランス)
  • 片岡 克己, 渥美 好崇, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 深野 行義(K. Kataoka, Y. Atsumi, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Y. Fukano), 火花点火式天然ガスエンジンの動力性能ならびに排気特性に及ぼすピストン形状および吸気流動の影響(Effects of Piston Design and Inlet Gas Flow on the Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Natural Gas Fueled Spark Ignition Engine), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 65巻, 632号, 1485-1490 (1999). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 65-632 (1999), 1485-1490. (in Japanese))
  • 角田 敏一, 小浜 良太, 瀬川 大資, 津江 光洋(T. Kadota, R. Kohama, D. Segawa, M. Tsue), 層流伝ぱ火炎による燃料液滴列の着火(Ignition of Fuel Droplet Array by a Propagating Laminar Flame), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 65巻, 631号, 1115-1121 (1999). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 65-632 (1999), 1115-1121. (in Japanese))
  • 角田 敏一, 佐藤 公美, 瀬川 大資, 佐藤 順一, 丸谷 洋一(T. Kadota, K. Satoh, D. Segawa, J. Sato, Y. Marutani), 航空機を利用した超臨界雰囲気中における燃料液滴燃焼現象の解明(Study on a Fuel Droplet Combustion in Supercritical Gaseous Environments by using Parabolic Flight of Airplane), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 65巻, 631号, 1122-1127 (1999). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 65-631 (1999), 1122-1127. (in Japanese))
  • M. Tsue, H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, M. Kono, Effect of Gravity on Onset of Microexplosion for an Oil-in-Water Emulsion Droplet(水中油滴型乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発発生に及ぼす重力の影響), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 27, 2587-2593 (1998). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • T. Kadota, K. Satoh, D. Segawa, J. Sato, Y. Marutani, Autoignition and Combustion of a Fuel Droplet in Supercritical Gaseous Environments under Microgravity(微小重力下超臨界雰囲気中における燃料液滴の自発着火および燃焼), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 27, 2595-2601 (1998). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • 藤井 智広, 松本 匡史, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一(T. Fujii, K. Matsumoto, D. Segawa, T. Kadota), レーザ誘起蛍光法による微小重力下液滴火炎の非接触測定(Laser Induced Fluorescence Method for the Non-intrusive Measurement of a Droplet Flame under Microgravity), 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 15巻, 4号, 190-196 (1998). (Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application: 15-4 (1998), 190-196. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 中隠居 晃, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, B. Vieille(D. Segawa, T. Kadota, A. Nakainkyo, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, B. Vieille), 高圧力下におけるメタノール単一液滴の燃焼(Combustion of a Methanol Droplet under High Pressure Conditions), 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 15巻, 4号, 197-205 (1998). (Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application: 15-4 (1998), 197-205. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 永田 晴紀, 岸 武行, 角田 敏一, 津江 光洋, 河野 通方(D. Segawa, H. Nagata, T. Kishi, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, M. Kono), 水素-空気混合気熱面点火における点火遅れに及ぼす直流電界の影響(The Effects of DC Electric Fields on Ignition Delay of a Hydrogen-Air Mixture in Hot Surface Ignition), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 64巻, 623号, 2319-2324 (1998). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 64-623 (1998), 2319-2324. (in Japanese))
  • H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, Numerical Modeling of Microexplosion Processes in Emulsified Fuel Droplet Combustion under Microgravity(微小重力下で燃焼する乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発過程数値解析モデル), Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Vol. 2, 1294-1299 (1998). (第21回宇宙の技術と科学国際会議論文集, 大宮)
  • T. Kadota, H. Tanaka, D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki, T. Sakuraya, Combustion of an Emulsified Fuel Droplet under Microgravity(微小重力下における乳化燃料液滴の燃焼), Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Vol. 2, 1300-1305 (1998). (第21回宇宙の技術と科学国際会議論文集, 大宮)
  • T. Kadota, K. Satoh, D. Segawa, J. Sato, Y. Marutani, T. Kuboyama, Combustion of a Fuel Droplet in Supercritical Gaseous Environments under Microgravity(微小重力下超臨界雰囲気中における燃料液滴の燃焼), Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Vol. 2, 1306-1311 (1998). (第21回宇宙の技術と科学国際会議, 大宮)
  • 片岡 克己, 渥美 好崇, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 深野 行義(K. Kataoka, Y. Atsumi, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Y. Fukano), 火花点火式天然ガスエンジンの動力性能ならびに排気特性に及ぼす燃焼室因子の影響(Effect of Factors of Combustion Chamber on the Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Natural Gas Fueled Spark Ignition Engine), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 64巻, 621号, 1574-1580 (1998). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 64-621 (1998), 1574-1580. (in Japanese))
  • 山崎 博司, 角田 敏一, 津江 光洋, 瀬川 大資(H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, D. Segawa), 乳化燃料液滴燃焼時における含水率の変化(Time Histories of Water Contents in a Burning Emulsified Fuel Droplet), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 64巻, 618号, 562-567 (1998). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 64-618 (1998), 562-567. (in Japanese))
  • 瀬川 大資, 永田 晴紀, 岸 武行, 角田 敏一, 津江 光洋, 河野 通方(D. Segawa, H. Nagata, T. Kishi, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, M. Kono), 可燃性混合気熱面点火の点火遅れに及ぼす電界の影響(The Effects of Electric Fields on Ignition Delay of Combustible Mixtures in Hot Surface Ignition), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 64巻, 617号, 298-304 (1998). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 64-617 (1998), 298-304. (in Japanese))
  • 鈴木 克昌, 藤井 智広, 瀬川 大資, 津江 光洋, 角田 敏一, 森田 知二(K. Suzuki, T. Fujii, D. Segawa, M. Tsue, T. Kadota, T. S. Morita), レーザ誘起蛍光法による微小重力場燃料液滴の非接触温度測定(Laser Induced Fluorescence Method for the Non-intrusive Thermometry of a Droplet Flame under Microgravity), 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 14巻, 3号, 205-210 (1997). (Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application: 14-3 (1997), 205-210. (in Japanese))
  • 片岡 克己, 瀬川 大資, 角田 敏一, 東野 耿二, 廣岡 重正(K. Kataoka, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, K. Higashino, S. Hirooka), 急速圧縮燃焼装置内静止予混合気圧縮における天然ガスの希薄燃焼特性(Characteristics of Natural Gas Lean Combustion through the Compression of Quiescent Charge in a Rapid Compression Combustor), 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 63巻, 608号, 1456-1461 (1997). (Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B: 63-608 (1997), 1456-1461. (in Japanese))
  • M. Tsue, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, H. Yamasaki, Observation of Sooting Behavior in an Emulsion Droplet Flame by Planar Laser Light Scattering in Microgravity(微小重力下での平面レーザ光散乱法による乳化燃料液滴火炎内のすす挙動の観察), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 26, 1251-1258 (1996). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • M. Tsue, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki, Statistical Analysis on Onset of Microexplosion for an Emulsion Droplet(乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発発生に関する統計的解析), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 26, 1629-1635 (1996). (国際燃焼学会論文集, 国際燃焼学会, 米国)
  • M. Tsue, D. Segawa, H. Yamasaki, T. Kadota, Effects of Fuel Properties and Water Content on Microexplosion Behavior of an Emulsified Fuel Droplet under Microgravity(微小重力下における乳化燃料液滴のミクロ爆発挙動に及ぼす燃料性状ならびに含水率の影響), Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Vol. 2, 1000-1005 (1996). (第20回宇宙の技術と科学国際会議論文集, 岐阜)


conference proceedings

  • H. Kataoka, R. Numata, A. Kawamura, D. Segawa, K. Fumoto, K. Ishii, Detonation Properties of Ethylene/Methane Blended Fuels, The 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Taipei (Taiwan), 2013
  • S. Ishihara, S. Tamura, K. Ishii, H. Kataoka, Deflagration to Detonation Transition behind an Shock Wave by Forced Ignition, The 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Taipei (Taiwan), 2013
  • K. Yamada, T. Kagami, Y. Unno, H. Kataoka, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Flame Spread along Linear Arrays of Emulsified Fuels in Microgravity, The 9th The Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju (South Korea), 2013
  • Y. Shan, H. Kojima, S. Nakaya, M. Tsue, H. Kataoka, D. Segawa, Effects of Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide in Slow Ambient Flow on Combustion of Isolated Fuel Droplets, The 9th The Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju (South Korea), 2013
  • K. Yamada, T. Kagami, H. Kataoka, D. Segawa, Flame Spread along Linear Droplet Arrays of Emulsions in Microgravity, 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw (Poland), 2012
  • H. Kataoka, R. Numata, A. Kawamura, K. Fumoto, D. Segawa, K. Ishii, Detonation Properties of Ethylene-Methane-Oxygen-Argon Mixtures, 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw (Poland), 2012
  • S. Ishihara, T. Kojima, K. Ishii, H. Kataoka, Onset of Detonation by Forced Ignition behind an Incident Shock Wave, The 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine (USA), 2011
  • K. Yamada, H. Fujii, H. Tanaka, S. Nakaya, D. Segawa, Flame Spread along a Droplet, Array of Emulsified Fuels in Slow Flow, Work-in-Progress Poster at 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing (China) , 2010
  • S. Nakaya, T. Furuta, Y. Nagashima, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Isolated Droplet Combustion for Sooting and non-Sooting Fuels in Microgravity, Scientific Assembly of the Committee on space research 2010 (COSPAR 2010), Bremen (Germany), 2010
  • S. Nakaya, Y. Nagashima, K. Takase, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Unsteady Combustion of Isolated Fuel Droplet in Microgravity, The 27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Tsukuba, 2009
  • H. Kataoka, H. Kato, K. Ishii, Direct Initiation ofAacetylene-Oxygen Mixture, The 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk (Belarus), 2009
  • D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, H. Tanaka, H. Fujii, H. Yamasaki, Behavior of Flame Spreading along a Droplet Array of Oil-in-Water Emulsion, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Taipei (Taiwan), 2009
  • S. Nakaya, K. Takase, S. Tarutani, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Isolated N-decane and Ethanol Droplet Combustions in Microgravity, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Taipei (Taiwan), 2009
  • Y. Yoshida, S. Nakaya, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Y. Ujiie, H. Nomura, A Numerical Simulation on Effect of Flanged Spark Ignition Process for Hydrogen/Air Mixtures, 32th International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal (Canada), 2008
  • S. Nakaya, K. Hatori, M. Tsue, M. Kono, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Numerical Analysis on Early Stage of Flame Kernel Development of Spark Ignited Methane/Air Mixtures, The 7th International conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, Sapporo (Japan), 2008
  • M. Ueda, K. Shiota, K. Nagoshi, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Liquid Phase Thermometry of Common Rail Diesel Spray Impinging on Heated Wall, 2007 JSAE/SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Kyoto, 2007
  • H. Kataoka, T. Kojima, K. Ishii, Propagation of Detonation in a Combustible Supersonic Flow, The 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers (France), 2007
  • D. Segawa, T. Kadota, S. Nakaya, H. Tokumura, K. Takemura, Lifetime of Miscible Binary Fuel Droplets Evaporating on a Heated Surface at Elevated Pressures, The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Nagoya, 2007
  • T. Kaji, S. Nakaya, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, Numerical Analysis on Effect of Variable Radiative Heating on Ignition of Single Fuel Droplet, The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Nagoya, 2007
  • D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Sugihara, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, Autoignition of a Fuel Droplet in High-Temperature and Microgravity Environments with Visible and Near-Infrared Light Irradiation, Drop Tower Days 2006, Gifu/Tsukuba, 2006
  • S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Y. Shiraishi, D. Segawa, Water Effect on Soot Formation in Droplet Combustion in Uniform Flow, The 4th International Conference on Combustion,Incineration/Pyrolysis and Emission Control, Kyoto, 2006
  • H. Tanaka, T. Kadota, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Yamasaki, Evaporation of Emulsion Droplet on a Hot Surface in High Pressure Gaseous Environments, 7th International Symposium on Marine Engineering, Tokyo, 2005
  • D. Segawa, T. Kajikawa, S. Hirota, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Autoignition and Combustion of a Fuel Droplet Array at High Pressures under Microgravity, 56th International Astronautical Congress, Fukuoka, 2005
  • T. Kadota, H. Tanaka, D. Segawa, S. Nakaya, H. Yamasaki, In-Liquid Process and Microexplosion of an Emulsified Fuel Droplet Burning on a Hot Surface, International Conference on Automotive Technology for Vietnam, Hanoi (Vietnam), 2005
  • S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, A. Suzuki, H. Tanaka, D. Segawa, Non-Intrusive Probing of OH and Soot Concentration Profile in a Droplet Flame, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Adelaide (Australia), 2005
  • D. Segawa, M. Yoshida, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Autoignition of Monodispersed Suspended-Droplet Cluster Model with Hexagonal Closet Packing Structure, 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong (Hong Kong), 2004
  • D. Segawa, M. Yoshida, S. Nakaya, T. Kadota, Effects of Spacing and Arrangement of Droplet on Combustion Characteristics of Monodispersed Suspended-Droplet Cluster Model under Microgravity, 7th Drop Tower Days 2004, Bremen (Germany), 2004
  • F. Renaud, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Experimental Study in Microgravity of the Vaporization of a 3D Droplet Array in a High Pressure and High Temperature Environment, European Combustion Meeting 2003, Orleans (France), 2003
  • T. Ogawa, S. Yahata, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Gravitational Effect on Jet Diffusion Flame Behavior in a Cross Flow, International Workshop on Short-Term Experiments under Strongly Reduced Gravity Conditions 2002, Tokyo/Sapporo, 2002
  • H. Yamasaki, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, Rate of Micro-explosion of Emulsions in a Glass Capillary, 29th International Symposium on Combustion, Sapporo, 2002
  • H. Yamasaki, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, M. Tsue, Micro-explosion in a Burning Emulsion Droplet, The 6th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 2002
  • H. Enomoto, H. Nagata, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Flame Shapes of Fuel Droplet Cloud in High Temperature Gaseous Environment under Micro-gravity, The 1st International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, 2001
  • T. Kadota, Y. Ohta, H. Enomoto, D. Segawa, Evaporation of the Array of Hydrocarbon Droplets in an Air Stream, The 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki (Greece), 2001
  • H. Enomoto, H. Nagata, D. Segawa, T. Kadota, Auto-ignition and Flame Shapes of Geometrically Well-Controlled Group of Fuel Droplets in High Temperature Gaseous Environment under Microgravity, The 6th International Microgravity Combustion Workshop, Cleveland (USA), 2001
  • D. Segawa, H. Tanaka, H. Enomoto, T. Kadota, H. Yamasaki, Phase-Separation Inside a Burning Droplet of Oil-in-Water Emulsion, 6th International Symposium on Marine Engineering, Tokyo, 2000
  • D. Segawa, K. Iwasa, H. Enomoto, T. Kadota, Y. Nakatsukasa, Y. Fukano, PLIF Visualization of Fuel Distribution Inside the Combustion Chamber of a Natural Gas Fueled Spark Ignition Engine, 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Natural Gas Vehicles, Yokohama, 2000